I am by no means a conservative Christian nazi (I tend to qualify myself as an equal opportunity politician hater), but I swear to God the Democratic candidates for President are MORONS. Jesus Christ. Let us take an objective look a what they are bitching about-
The Economy- It's all Bush's fault. OH REALLY. Perhaps you skipped the chapter in Economy called the "market cycle." It's where after a time of prosperity (largely due to the Reagan tax cuts, not to Bill Clinton getting blowjobs contrary to popular belief), is followed by a time of depression. THIS IS INEVITABLE. So what does Bush do- he gives everybody a tax cut. BUTT NOOOO. Democrats don't like this, because giving people their hard earned money back is too fucking logical for their pea sized brains to handle. So shut the fuck up about the economy. Guess what- we are heading back into prosperity so SUCK IT.
The War- Justified or not we are in war. Stop backstabbing the troops in Iraq by constantly bitching about about how their fighting is worthless. Goddammit, they are there, Iraq is fucked up and we need to deal with it. So suck it up, and move on.
The International Community- Since when has it become a priority to give a flying fuck about what other countries think about us? What are we- a bunch of self conscious wimps? Do Democrats constantly ask themselves "Does this shirt and tie make me look fat?" Perhaps if you were like me, and didn't give two shits what anyone, much less some asshole in Germany, thought about you, you could make wise decisions. Instead, you remind me of a 13 year old girl who constantly needs a reassuring hug from old Grandmother U.N. Shut up.
The Old Classic "Bush is a Moron"- Besides the fact this is a pure ad hominem attack and should therefore be immediately ignored, I will still deal with it. The fact is the guy made it through Yale (with C's of course, but Jesus come on... it's Yale) Did anyone ever think to ask where Al Gore went to college? No? Well fine, I am not going to be the one to point out that not only did his college suck, but this asshole has changed his views on abortion like trying on a new pair of shoes. You don't just wake up one day and suddenly decide "Hmm... being pro choice would be fun." It is a fucking fundamental decision. I hate politicians. Dammit where was I?
Yes. Bush is a moron. Okay, lets assume Bush is a moron. Look at the people he has surrounded himself with. He could sit on his ass all day and the country would still run reasonably well. We have Condoleeza Rice, a Notre Dame graduate, quite possibly the smartest woman alive on his right. And on his left we have Colin Powell, quite possibly the best military leader this country has seen in the last decade. So Democrats can seriously shut the fuck up about "Bush doesn't know shit about defense" because goddammit if he doesn't, between Rice and Powell we have enough military intellect to fuckin take over the world.
Who would I vote for? I would vote libertarian. I just fuckin hate Democrats.
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