Friday, December 26, 2003

Frank Swigonski is Smarter Than You

My friend Frank once told me that were he alive during the Civil War he would have fought on the side of the south. Me, being an ignorant SOB, immediately thought "uhh doesn't that make you racist."

Of course Frank's mind was laughing his ass off at that point and he probably could have eaten me with his intellect, but he didn't. Frank instead explained to me the terrible distorted history that we come to embrace as the noble Civil War. You will get no history lessons here, suffice to say that you are most definetly WRONG as to whatever you think the Civil War was about.


Anyone who is stupid enough to send their children to Michael Jackson's house deserves to be shot. I mean, Jesus Christ; the man readily admits to SLEEPING WITH CHILDREN. And our stupid ass society says "Oh, well that's his life choice." Dammit, I want to run the fucking media, here's how things would go down.

Welcome to the Greg Dunaway Show of No Bullshit Bitchin

Greg: So Michael you sleep with children?
Michael Jackson (in a pussy voice): Yes.
Greg: That's fucked up.
Michael Jackson: No, that's the way I share my love.
Greg: Perhaps I misunderstood you, did you just say you shared love with children in bed?
Michael Jackson: Yes, I love them.
Greg (slowly pulling out shotgun): OH, well then, thats great, uh huh, wonderful.... ::BANG BANG::

I love being the only person who has the balls to tell it like it is.

Can you step? Email me.


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