I love the fact that hardcore liberals are pushing Kerry so vehemently as the next coming of Christ. This guy may be the most confused person since Dennis Kucinich. I don't think he could delineate or discuss any real political issue... ever.
You want to talk about Bush having trouble speaking, how about, "I actually did vote for the 87 billion before I voted against it. Are you fucking kiding me?
Yeah, but of course Kerry was in war so he must well experienced and well versed. OH WAIT, the guy was absent 76% of the time for intelligence meetings. Well he must be solid on other issues?
Right... Wrong! Kerry has contradicted himself numerous times.
First, on education- he voted for the No Child Left Behind Act, then criticized the bill afterwards.
Secondly, on taxes he encouraged the President's tax cuts, THEN said they should have been bigger and THEN said he would repeal them. Wow. That's a doozy.
on all this shit. I'm not going to repeat it all, if you vote Kerry just know you are getting a guy who proudly condemns Special Interest money, but has accepted more of it than any other Senator.
I mean, I understand that Democrats think he is wonderful because he went to war, but there are serious questions about his conduct in Vietnam. The guy filed his own requests for medals, which is a bit counter-intuitive to me, and he may have injured himself for two of them.
Nonetheless, I wasn't there. So who was? Well there are a few men who support Kerry among the Swift Boat Veterans, yet the majority despise him for both his conduct in war and upon his return home. He called his fellow soldiers "baby-killers" and "rapists" with no evidence supporting his claims.
The man who has been painted as the ultimate patriot war hero, once broke U.S. laws, laws setup out of respect for those men who gave their lives in Vietnam, to further his political career. He filmed a political ad at the Vietnam War Memorial, against the park's wishes. So he is a veteran of the war when it is convenient to him? How moral.
This guy once said he rode a tractor to a bunch of middle class people in the hopes of somehow relating to them. Well, let's see. You marry a billionaire, have people who drive you around in SUVs, own a manservant and your running mate is a sleazy trial lawyer who sues regular people for millions of dollars. (By the way, Edwards apparently isn't well liked by Kerry who said of Edwards fitness to be President, "In the Senate four years – and that is the full extent of public life – no international experience, no military experience.")
Kerry has had 375 instances where he had the opportunity to lower taxes and has voted against it in all 375 instances.
Oddly enough, he actually supports a ban of gay marriage. How ironic.
He's seriously a douche. Next to John Edwards, he's the Biggest Douch In the Universe.
Can you step? Email me.
(If you get the South Park reference, kudos to you.)