Monday, August 02, 2004

Hell Has Frozen Over - A Politician With A Good Idea

I am currently looking for monkeys to start flying out of my butt, because goddammit I heard a politician with a good idea: GET RID OF THE IRS!!!!


Hot damn, that's someone who is going to get re-elected. How come no one thought of this before? There are two things Americans hate more than anything else: Barbara Streisand and taxes.

Any politician getting rid of one of them would ensure re-election, getting rid of both would get a monument in their honor. And if it didn't, I would build one for them.

And the guy who came up with this idea - Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert.

Cheers to you Hastert, and godspeed. Although I'm sure that liberals everywhere are going to start bitching, a national sales tax is the best idea EVER. Don't tax me on what I earn, tax me on what I spend. That way if John Kerry wants to buy John Edwards a yacht or two, we can tax his rich ass majorly and when I want to buy groceries, I pay like 40 cents or so. FAIR?

Goddamn right.

And of course, this is a LIBERTARIAN idea, ripped off by Republicans. Sighhh.... I'm so tired of being right all the time.

Can you step? Email me.


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