If You Think Celebrities Know Politics, For the Good of the Country - Shoot Yourself
Flipping the channels the other day, I saw MTV pretending to know politics. (Other things they pretend to know include: fashion and music). Some stupid old white guy was encouraging people to vote. MTV contains some of the stupidest, most moronic programming in the world, I would venture to guess that at least 15% of America's bad taste comes from MTV alone. So personally I prefer that the people who watch MTV NOT VOTE. In fact, I propose my own advertising campaign for MTV to use:
This year, let America become great again
We encourage MTV viewers to
A simple transition from ROCK THE VOTE to JUST NOT VOTE could save us millions of moronic teens from walking into polling booths asking to see "those hanging chad things, dude can I meet chad?"
Speaking of idiots, since when does America give a flying fuck what celebrities think about elections? It's not like there is a diverse opinion out in Hollywood about politics, if you aren't left of center, you are discriminated against, so obviously all the vocal goddamn morons (BARBARA STREISAND) are going to vote for John Kerry. They probably also identify with him because he is worth more than most people could make in three or four lifetimes.
So the next time some stupid musician decides that you didn't drop 50 bucks to see them actually play music, extend your God given right as an American to raise your middle finger and let them know how you feel.
Honestly, listening to celebrities give political advice is like asking John Kerry what a day of honest work is like. You'll get an answer, but it will be complete bullshit.
Can you step? Email me.
P.S. Trey Parker and Matt Stone have almost finished work on their new movie:
TEAM AMERICA: WORLD POLICE. It's the story of America's superheroes who constantly have to save the world from danger. It also features Michael Moore as a villain with a permanately food stained shirt. If this doesn't sound like the greatest movie ever, I don't know what does. I SMELL A FUCKING OSCAR.