Sunday, August 24, 2003

When Your Favorite Book is "T.V. Guide"- You are in Deep Shit

Why is it that people's conversation always gets to the point where you ask "What's your favorite T.V. show?" Yeah, with intelligent programming just rampant on U.S. cable this is a great talking point.

Idiot: So, did you catch The Amazing Race?
Greg: No.
Idiot: How about Who Wants to Marry My Dad?
Greg: No.
Idiot: Don't you just love Kelly Clarkson?
Greg: No.
Idiot: Did you ever see that one show, with the group of friends who like live together and do stuff all the time? God I love that show.
Greg: Wonderful.
Idiot: So, like what do you do all day?
Greg::must refrain from hitting::

God knows people are going to be like so what do YOU watch Mr. Smartypants. So, if you really care I watch about 30 minutes of T.V. a week, and it usually involves- South Park and/or The Simpsons or a Discovery Channel thing where people get eaten by sharks, or some part of a movie where there are buildings being blown up. Other than that I really prefer GOING OUT seeing a movie (there's a concept, getting off of your fat ass) or reading a book (that's where you take letters, and the letters form words and then the words tell a story).

On that note, I hate people who are uninteresting. If you think you are uninteresting you have two options: Jump off of a cliff and save me the trouble of beating you senseless OR do one of the following: 1. Learn how to read 2. Go see a movie that does not have a number after the name 3. Hell go for the gold and see a play (you have to pretend the stage isn't there). There's more but if you really are that boring there is not much I can do at this point.


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