Sunday, July 20, 2003

Why No One Cares About the last Star Wars Movie

Everyone kinda roots for Star Wars to not suck anymore. I mean the progression has been from Episode 1- sucked hardcore, to Episode 2- blew majorly. So we can reasonably expect Episode 3 to both suck and blow mildly. Still, being the morons we are, we will all flock to the theaters to see our favorite characters one last time. Honestly George Lucas could go and shoot an Episode of Barney and Friends and label it Episode 3 and there would still be Star Wars nuts who would get in line hour ahead of time in their Baby Bop costumes.

My heart isn't really into tearing Lucas apart, because I feel for the guy. When you have a badass group of movies like the original Star Wars, it isn't the easiest thing to do to tell a story no one wants to hear about stuff we already know. Honestly, who gives a rats ass about assholes on Naboo and some Intergalactic Senate bullshit. Give me Jedi's kicking ass for 2 hours and I will be satisfied.

Actually, scratch that. Lucas managed to make the badassest dude in the galaxy (Vader) into a whining bitch. I am sure that when Vader is done torturing Jedi's he goes into his little room takes off his mask and cries himself to sleep.

Vader: My inner child is wounded and I can't control my anger due to the lack of a father in my home.
Emperor: Are you fucking serious?

Anyway, thats my bit. It doesn't matter anyways, I will still see the stupid movie and so will you.



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