Sunday, February 13, 2005

Thank You AOL

I made the obvious mistake of thinking America Online could do something right. I hate AOL. Singlehandedly AOL has ruined my computer. I update my Instant Messenger program and ever since then my computer has done the following: randomly turned off, made noises that make it sound posessed which scares me, and frozen roughly once an hour. And what did AOL add to this wonderful update?

Great, annoying goddamn pictures to get in the way of me having a conversation. That stupid dog probably eats up more of my precious memory. Goddamn penguin in shorts. Plus I have some stupid ass buddy list thing I can't get rid offering me more useless AOL shit I don't want. Yeah, like I'm going to listen to AOL radio. Why not just rip off my ears and bang two sticks together?

Screw AOL.

Can you step? Email me.


At 1:12 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hold a similar opinion of AOL. They have no concept of good program design.

Give these programs a try:

1. Trillian []
2. Gaim []

-Taylor Spears


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