Tuesday, January 04, 2005

Bush Caused the Tsunamis

Since the rest of liberal America has yet to jump on this bandwagon, let me get it out in the open: BUSH CAUSED THE TSUNAMIS. If we had all listened to the movie Day After Tomorrow, which CLEARLY depicted huge goddamn waves destroying cities and had a President that looked a lot like Bush doing nothing, maybe, maybe this could have been avoided. When will everyday Americans learn that Hollywood knows best? As if we didn't blow it enough after Fahrenheit 9/11 proved that Bush was a war criminal and was clearly going to bring about the Armageddon. We all owe Michael Moore an apology.

But back to the tsunamis. Even after Hollywood gave us all the warning signs that conservative scientists across the world refused to, everyone just kept riding in their SUVs, polluting the mother earth god spirit, until she got angry. Now, don't ask me to explain the complex physics of global warming causing an earthquake- all I know is that had Bush, instead of giving Americans tax cuts all the time, taken that money and given it to a noble and trusted organization like the the U.N., whom would definitely not spend it on frivolous things like a war for oil, I think this whole tsunami thing could have been avoided.

Kofi Annan would spend it on building regimes in the Middle East and protesting America. Kofi Annan would spend it on things like giving U.N. leaders a ski trip to Jackson Hole to relieve the stress of running such an important organization. Things I think we all can agree need to be encouraged.

So the next time Uncle Sam gives you a tax break, give him the finger. Send that check to the U.N. care of Kofi Annan. Kofi will know that your money needs to support movies like The Day After Tomorrow and solid peace ventures like the Oil For Food program.

Screw Bush. Support Kofi.

Can you step? Email me.


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