Sunday, December 19, 2004

It's Official: I Suck

Today I have ended my hunger strike. And by hunger strike I mean eating whenever I feel like it and not buying a cell phone. Today my parents bought me a cell phone. I made it through 4 years of high school and one semester of college minus an annoying piece of metal that encourages people to do things like talk obnoxiously loud while in a confined space, like a plane for instance.

I have decided in order to combat the assholeishniss that comes over everyone who obtains a cell phone, I'm going to not answer it on a regular basis- which means if I do pick up, consider yourself lucky. I've also decided not to have some stupid hip-hop ring, and won't be having Lil Jon yelling "WHAT?" every time some jerk interrupts my dinner. In fact, I'm going to bet that 99.9% of the time my phone will be on vibrate. (More recent phones than mine have managed to circumvent this attempt to limit obnoxiousness by having ridiculously loud vibrations. How goddamn self defeating)

In short, I am indeed now a fucking hypocrite. Whatever, screw you guys... I'm going home.

Can you step? Email me.


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