Wednesday, March 10, 2004

My Car Scares Me

Right now I am at Mark's, whose car is actually less productive than mine because of its lack of wheels. He woke up one morning and looked out the window and remarked "Oh my car is on crates... weird." Anyway, I am now scared to get in my car because I bought oil for it, and when I took off the cap to pour it in- steam came out. Mark in his esteemed wisdom said "um... probably not good." The mechanic in me agreed and then the mechanic said "you had better go inside Mark's house and listen to music." I concurred.

Anyway- since my car is so old (circa 1983) were anything really bad to happen (I am of course assuming steam out of the oil area is only mildly lethal to me) I would have NO idea what the hell to do. In order to appear smart (especially in front of a girl) I would probably walk out pop the hood and go "Ummm... uh huh... hmmm... ahhh yup." She would of course go "what?" and I would say something like "air intake manifold interfering with the main flux capacitor, gonna have to take it to the shop." And she would be like "Oh Greg you are SOO smart" and I would say "Just doin my best ma'am, just doin my best" and then romantic music would play and she would make out with me and then we would fade to black.

The End.

I'm serious. Get the hell out of here.

Can you step? Email me.


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