Saturday, February 28, 2004

Saying The Passion is Anti-Semitic is like saying that Schindler's List is Anti-German

I am perhaps the only person who walked out of seeing Mel Gibson's The Passion and said "Eh, that was alright." Honestly, I may be the only person who has the balls to say that The Passion ISN'T THAT GREAT. Allow me to break it down for you.

Gibson gets 1 star for going balls out and telling Hollywood "BITE ME"

Gibson loses 1 star for being sadistic with his violence (And don't tell me the violence is the point, you stupid regurgitators of movie reviews, if violence is the point why don't you zombies go watch Kill Bill? BUT NOOO Kill Bill is bad because its so violent, SO SHUT IT)

Gibson gets 1 star for doing any scene with satan well and filming the entire picture gorgeously (kudos to Caleb Deschanel)

Gibson also gets 1 star for hiring awesome actors (albeit completely misusing Monicca Bellucci)

So 3 star movie. It's okay, but its not going to make you shit your holy pants or anything.

Lastly, its not fucking anti-semitic you dumbasses. I saw this loser on MTV (motto: We are cool, WE ARE COOL) saying "WAAAHHH I give it two thumbs down because I'm offended that he says the Jews killed Jesus WAAAA." Blow me asshole. The Africans didn't kill Jesus. Get over it. Additionally Jesus WAS A JEW. Fucking moron.

God I hate MTV.

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