Wednesday, September 03, 2003

Sleeping is Underrated

I have come to the conclusion that the source of most, if not all, of my problems is that I don't sleep enough. In fact, I can't seem to find any problem that popped up while I was sleeping. I think most World Wars could have been avoided had sleep been a factor.

"In other news today the Allied armies avoided a most terrible war by sneaking up on Hitler while he was sleeping and then proceeded to bust a cap in his ass."

Now thats all good and well, but lets apply this in a modern context.

Boss: Umm Fred, about that report.
Fred: Boss, I had to sleep, don't you sleep?
Boss: Why yes I do but-
Fred: Step the fuck back, I need a nap.

Clearly Fred has the upper hand in this situation. So today, when your boss or teacher makes demands of you, simply point out that he or she is likely a cranky bitch because they haven't been getting enough sleep. Then proceed to put your head down and catch some Z's.


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