Sunday, June 05, 2005

Dean: Hippies Run The Economy

Howard Dean made some surprising comments the other day. "I would make the argument that America is safer when Democrats are in the White House, than when Republicans are in the White House," Dean said in a speech to Democratic supporters. When asked what significant gains were made against Al Qaeda during the Clinton years Dean pointed out that, "President Clinton, a real fighter of the War on Terror, didn't hesitate to bomb an aspirin factory, that could have posed a real threat to America."

Later in his speech, he pointed out that most Republicans, "have never made an honest living in their lives." This in stark contrast to Dean's core group of supporters - hippies. When pressed on this issue Dean struck back, "Hippies are really good at making hemp bracelets. I mean, I would say at least 50% of all hemp in this country is made by hippies... You go ask W if he can make hemp necklaces. I don't think so."

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