Sunday, April 18, 2004

This Just In: SNL Can Not Get Any More Boring and Christian Music Is Still Terrible

There is really no point to watching SNL anymore. I propose they shut it down and just show movies (preferably movies with explosions or hot girls). There is NO ONE funny, NO ONE with a shred of talent on that god forsaken show. The bits are old and stupid (the college dorm smoking pot joke was funny maybe the FIRST time that Jimmy Fallon and Horation Sanz did it- MAYBE). The studio audience (these people laugh at anything, they would laugh at a guy... no, just a guy, doing nothing... they would laugh hysterically) can't even find the humor in the show.

I've changed my mind, all of them should get their asses canned and replaced by Dave Chapelle. Dave Chapelle is awesome and deserves a pay raise.

SNL is so unfunny that one night I actually flipped to the Christian channel (which plays their "hip" music videos late at night) to sit and make fun of it instead of watching SNL. It is that bad. Seriously.

Funniest Christian video I have seen as of 12:11AM tonight: Three "punk" Christians singing with planets hanging around their heads on a stage, while an old guy sits in the back of the stage watching. They may or may not be British... OH GOD, MIND HAS JUST CHANGED. CHRISTIAN BOY BANDS. I AM LAUGHING HYSTERICALLY, one moment while I gather my thoughts...

OH GOD.. SO FUNNY. They are playing on the beach throwing water at each other. OH GOD. If they aren't catching the overt gay vibe, God knows I am. This is great. As they wear tight shirts and short shorts they say "We can be bold about our faith" AHAHAHAHA. Let me change into my speedo and I will go and preach down the street asshole. OH ITS AMAZING HE IS WEARING A SCARF. A SCARF. THE SCARF IS UNBELIEVABLE. This is the most terrible, revolting thing I have ever seen, and I am loving it. These guys are so bad, so unbelievably shitty that I seriously think they don't know how ugly and stupid they are. OH GOD, woo that was amazing. Ok, the preacher guy is back on t.v. he is making me want to commit suicide so time to switch to Chapelle Show.

P.S. If you want to watch CAPTAIN SCARF and his amigos, I took down the video name:
plus one
here in my heart

just put it on mute and laugh your ass off.

Can you step? Email me.


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