Wednesday, September 15, 2004

To the NHL

To both the idiots who are running the NHL and the snobby players who are preventing the NHL season from starting:


From one hockey player to another - you are getting paid millions to play the best sport on earth. SHUT UP.

To the owners: this season presents a unique opportunity for the NHL. HDTV is becoming more and more mainstream, and lucky for you- the NHL SHINES ON HDTV. Hockey has a problem not because it isn't entertaining to watch, but because conventional televisions do a super shitty job of conveying that excitement. With the advent of HDTV fans like myself are able to see the lightning quick passes, the subtle jabs of the sticks, and blow-by-blow fights.

But maybe you're right, locking up the season is the best course of action. Players just aren't making enough money in a nation where their salary occupies the top 1% of all incomes. And owners really care about the game... which is why they are shutting down the season.

If the owners and players don't get their shit together, professional hockey may not recover. Which sucks, because the NBA blows and baseball is boring.

Can you step? Email me.


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